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Sunday, March 13, 2005

I *heart* my Uni

The semester is moving on fine... well, almost. I still have three classes clashing for the same period twice on Tuesdays within a 7-hour time frame though. The weird part is that my schedule permits me more time on my elective than my core and major modules. It is also scary. For example, classes for MCI 212 (Core), FTV 222 (Major), and MDI 292 (Major) are all running almost simultaneously.

What kind of University College would clash a student's two majors + core like that? Only in LUCT, folks!

Classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays are few and short, I find myself lepaking a lot before and after classes. There's more time to sit and chat with SP and Hui Yee this sem compared to the last, which was nuttily flavoured with A.L.L. It is also very cool to be hanging out with a crazy bunch of journalism students from my elective class.

The uproar on the gym has toned down, and some have decided that what's done is done and is starting to work out at Fitofly. The question is, will I submissively haul my ass in there and do the gerbil wheel run? I hear that there are water heaters in the showers.




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